Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to clean your filthy house

   So, you suck at keeping your house clean.  It doesn't matter why, all you know is you suck at it.  You might want to blame your mother for never teaching you how to clean, or maybe because she was too clean and now you feel a lot of anxiety when it comes to housework.  Some people choose to blame the feminist movement of the 1970's for their poor housekeeping skills, the possibilities are endless.  My mom already blamed her mother, so I'm going to blame, which is an excellent charity you can donate to that improves classrooms (maybe even in your area!).  So once you've got your blaming out of the way, it's time to start cleaning.
  I'm going to do a room by room series of posts to help you learn to love cleaning.  You'll learn the most efficient ways to do quick clean ups, and the top 10 things that need to be done in case of emergency guests, and secrets to making your house look clean when it really isn't.  

Cleaning is awesome and here's why.  If you are a housewife, cleaning is your "me time."  Your significant other is at work, and your kids are at school.  Unless you have babies, then good luck with that.  You can listen to your music loudly without complaints about your crappy taste in music.  To start off your day, I recommend some Three Sixes to make you feel like the bad ass you are:

You get to open your windows and air your house out.  The clean breeze is invigorating, and it feels a little naughty disregarding the gas bill and letting all the heat out.

Cleaning is sort of like a craft project or any hobby. You start with very little and make something lovely, happy, and welcoming.

When you come home to clean house, it's like all your other stresses go away.  You walk into your home and rather than seeing all the work you have to do and stressing over it, you notice what a savvy interior decorator you are.  Your family will be less stressed knowing where everything is.  Pro tip:  Your SO will be very impressed when they ask where something is, and you can tell them exactly where to find it.

If you do a daily cleaning regimen, surprise guests wont be a problem anymore because your home is already clean.